The bound proofs of my novel, Sniper, have arrived, been approved and are making their way across the ocean as I type. I expect to have the first copies available in mid April. In the meantime, I am doing a reading of sorts through Tucker Neel's 323 projects, and I've made an edition of photographs to support Turker's project.

First, the edition. It's titled Uncut, and is a portfolio of 4, 9x12 images. The images come as a single uncut 18x24 page. The back is signed in four places, so the collector has the option of cutting the piece down to 4 signed images, or keeping it as a single sheet. Tucker's price is $150 and the edition size is 10. (This is comically cheap for my work --$37.50 for each 9x12 image in the set, as a means of helping out an interesting project.)
Now for my 323 Projects "show." Christopher Russell will divide his forthcoming novel, Sniper, into 30 pieces divided equally by word count. He will read each morning’s selection upon waking. At the completion of his 323 Projects exhibition, the entire novel will have been read.
Sniper takes an imaginary look at the Baltimore Snipers. Russell proposes the relationships of paired serial killers as an ultimate expression of repressed desire. He writes a perverse version of the classic American love story told through the narrative chaos of nameless characters, past-life flashbacks, false recollection, parental and bureaucratic influence.
The release of Sniper revives the Bedwetter brand, which achieved notoriety during its 12 issue existence with a destroy-to-enjoy design strategy and embrace of difficult literary and visual material.
The "show" runs from 25 March to 22 April, 2011. To hear each day's reading, dial 323-843-4652.