My show at The Hammer comes down on the 12th of April. The museum sends me weekly attendance records which are as comforting as they are daunting. I haven't kept up with the tally but I think 6-8,000 people will have eventually seen that work. Knowing that it's had a good run tends to cut that anxious deflation I get when a show comes down.
But I've also been busy with my next solo show, opening on 11 April (7-9pm) in the
mezzanine gallery at Circus, (7065 Lexington Avenue, Los Angeles 90038.) There will be an assortment of new images: drawings scratched into photographs, images destroyed - repeatedly run over by a car, folded at odd angles and mounted, etc.
For those familiar with how I draw on the photographs, you know that the resin surfice of the image is scraped away until the paper substrate appears bright white and fuzzy, so there's a contrast of textures as well as the stark white of the paper against the muddy color of the photograph. I've started to 'flay' the prints, peeling away the photographic image rather than scratching at it, so there is another type of texture in this new work.
The thing that I'm the most proud of in this show is a new edition of my text-wallpaper patterns. Each of the 4 have been redesigned as 22x28 inch swatches, signed, numbered and deliberately sized to fit pre-made frames. These will be available at a reasonable price, so that they'll be accessable to a larger audience. These prints are still a lot more than 'zines, but they cost 90% less than one of the photos in the show. (I find the price of art a little embarrassing.)
In other related news, I'm going through old lectures, trying to decide on a text to accompany each of the galleries on my web site. These should be updated with images from recent shows in the next 6 or so weeks. Steve Cioffi will be making a video tracing the progression of my work from The Hammer show through my installation in Drama of the Gifted Child: The Five Year Plan
at the Armory Center in Pasadena, curated by David Burns this summer. If you regret missing my talk at the Hammer back in January you can now catch the video at the following link: